Spin-half fermion Model#

class spinhalf

Model for a single orbital with spin up and down f operator. SIAM can made entirely from this class.

Each Model class should have f_dag_operator, eigenvalues_Q, chi_Q, n_Q.

Public Functions

inline spinhalf(double teps, double tUint, double tmag = 0)
  • teps – : \(\epsilon_d \) is onsite energy of the SIAM

  • tUintU Columb interaction of SIAM

  • tmag – : Magnetic field of SIAM

inline auto getDoubleOcc() const

Double Occupancy of the site as operator. Not needed for the SIAM model build. Usefull for the static or dynamic calculation.


Public Members

std::vector<qOperator> f_dag_operator

\( f^\dagger\) operator

std::vector<std::vector<double>> eigenvalues_Q

Eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian.

std::vector<double> chi_Q

Fermion sign of the each basis states. \( (-1)^ {n_{particle}}\).

std::vector<std::vector<int>> n_Q

Quantum numbers of the basis states.